Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Local Gov't Mtgs remaining - WL Council/CRD Board

Williams Lake Council has, as of tonight, 6 meetings remaining (not including Committee of the Wholr or Joint Committee) prior to the Nov 15th election and the CRD Board has 5 meetings remaining prior to the Nov 15th election

For Williams Lake Council, those meetings dates are:

* August 19th
* Sept 2/16
* Oct 7/21
* Nov 4

For the CRD Board - those meetings dates are:

* August 22nd
* September 12th
* Oct 3rd/24th
* Nov 14th (this is also the last Board meeting for the 2011-14 Term)

While I expect the Board to continue to have good relations with each other, it will be interesting to see how Mayor Cook/Councillor Rathor cooperate at WL Council meetings - especially during the month of October to which that month will see the election process ramping up to the Nov 15th vote


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