Tuesday, August 19, 2014

WL/Soda Creek Indian Bands sign LOU with BC - Mt Polley incident

Courtesy of the BC Government:

Williams Lake Indian Band and the Soda Creek Indian Band (Xatśūll First Nation) signed a letter of understanding with the Government of British Columbia to work in partnership to address all aspects of the breach of the tailings storage facility that occurred at the Mount Polley Mine on Aug. 4, 2014.

The agreement has five components that will be conducted in accordance with First Nations traditions and scientific knowledge and recognizes that the health and safety of the public and workers, including members of the First Nations, are paramount:

A principals table consisting of the Chiefs of the First Nations and the Ministers of Environment, Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, and Energy and Mines will oversee a government-to-government response.
A senior officials committee from the three ministries and designates for the First Nations will be responsible for overseeing all of the response activities such as assessing impacts, clean up, remediation planning and decisions related to the future of Mount Polley mine. They will also address long-term funding requirements to respond to all aspects of the Mount Polley Mine incident.
$200,000 to each First Nation ($400,000 in total) to cover costs already incurred and future costs related to the tailings pond breach.

The recognition of the important economic contribution of mining to British Columbia and the commencement of a dialogue about existing laws, regulations and policies in relation to the mining sector in British Columbia.

Agreement that the entities responsible pay for all costs and damages incurred in relation to the Mount Polley Mine Incident in accordance with applicable legislation.

The provincial government and First Nations have been clear since the breach occurred that finding out exactly what happened, ensuring this never happens again and moving quickly on remediation plans to protect and preserve the environment are top priorities.

Earlier this morning, the provincial government, with the support of the Williams Lake and Soda Creek Indian Bands, announced an independent engineering investigation into the tailings pond breach and steps to ensure all permitted tailings ponds across the province are safe.

The investigation will be led by a panel of experienced geotechnical experts who will have the ability to compel evidence and witness testimony. The Williams Lake and Soda Creek Indian Bands will appoint a liaison to work with the panel.

The panel will provide recommendations through a final report by Jan. 31, 2015. This report will be provided to government and the Williams Lake and Soda Creek Indian Bands at the same time and will then be made public.

More details including the actual Letter of Understanding and other background information may be viewed here

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