Tuesday, September 30, 2014

2014 Nomination Period begins

Today starting at 9am until 4pm on Friday, October 10th (excluding weekends) - candidates running for City Councillor, Mayor, Cariboo RD Electoral Area Director or School District #27 or #28 Trustee may legally file their completed nomination packages with the appropriate Chief Election Officer

Today is also the start of Election BC's "Election Proceedings Period" from today (Sept 30th) until General Voting Day on Saturday, November 15th.

I personally will be seeing Alice Johnston, Cariboo RD Chief Election Officer, this morning to file my nomination papers for the position of Electoral Area 'D' Director of the Cariboo Regional District

Finally - as of Sept 30th and this writing, here are the publicly declared candidates, via local or social media:

District of Wells - no declared candidates but as stated before, it is my understanding that incumbent Mayor Robin Sharpe is seeking re-election

City of Quesnel:

Mayor -- Mary Sjostrom (incumbent) vs Bob Simpson (challenger)
Councillor - Ron Paull (challenger) and Shawna Siemens (challenger)

City of Williams Lake:

Mayor -- Kerry Cook (incumbent) vs Surinderpal Rathor, John Bjornstrom and Walt Cobb (challengers)


1) Ivan Bonnell (incumbent)
2) Laurie Walters (incumbent)
3) Sue Lachance (challenger)
4) Peter Bowman (challenger)
5) Bobbie-Jo Macnair (challenger)
6) Wayne Lucier (challenger)
7) Jason Ryll (challenger)

District of 100 Mile House:

Mayor - Mitch Campsall (incumbent) vs Maureen Pinkney (challenger)
Councillor - Len Doucette (challenger)

Cariboo Regional District:

Area A - Ted Armstrong (incumbent) vs Susan MacNeill and Cory Delves (challengers)
Area D - Steve Forseth (challenger)
Area F - Joan Sorley (incumbent)
Area G - Al Richmond (incumbent)
Area H - Margo Wagner (incumbent)

School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) -- no candidates have declared with the exception of Zone 1 Trustee Will Van Osch who has previously stated that he will not seek re-election

School District #28 (Quesnel) - no candidates have declared

This Wednesday evening (October 1st) is a candidate information session being hosted by the City of Williams Lake for those interested in running for WL City Councillor, WL Mayor, CRD Area D, E, F Directors or School District #27 School Trustee.  Refreshments will start at 5:30pm with session to start at 6pm until 9pm.  After opening remarks from representatives of the City of WL, Cariboo Regional District and School District #27, the bulk of the session will be led by famed parliamentarian Eli Mina

Register for this session with Cindy Bouchard (City of WL Chief Election Officer) at 250-392-2311 or cbouchard@williamslake.ca


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