Monday, September 29, 2014

WL Council asked to rescind 'Celebrate Life' proclamation

At their September 16th, 2014 meeting - Williams Lake City Council resolved the following in regards to "Celebrate Life Week":

That pursuant to the request of the Choice for Life Society in their letter dated August 29, 2014, the week of September 28 to October 5, 2014 be proclaimed as "Celebrate Life Week" in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City policy.

Since that meeting - those in the "Pro-Choice" movement have lobbied WL Council to rescind that passed proclamation including issuing a press release on the matter which you can view here

For her part - Williams Lake Mayor Kerry Cook says to the Williams Lake Tribune:

The proclamation "certainly doesn't fit within our local government mandate," however said she felt the proclamation was carefully worded to be respectful.

"The intent certainly wasn't to offend anyone," Cook said, adding she has been in correspondence with Julius and is willing to meet with her in person regarding her concerns.

More on this story from the Tribune here

I can not recall when the pro-choice movement has objected formally to the passing of the "Celebrate LIfe Week" proclamation.... that is until today

I wonder if this will come out in the election, especially if Council does not agree to rescind the "Celebrate Life" Proclamation


1 comment:

  1. This is just City Council pandering for votes with the church crowd..and it was passed unanimously...shame on you Surinder...This just shows how desperate every member of Council is deflect away from the scandal at city hall...Way beyond your mandate.
