Sunday, October 26, 2014

Rathor: Mt Polley must restart NOW

In a report going to Williams Lake Council, meeting in Committee of the Whole, on Tuesday -- Williams Lake City Councillor (and WL Mayoral Candidate) Surinderpal Rathor will call on his colleagues to adopt the following motion:

"That Council approach the senior level of the Provincial government as soon as possible, requesting that measures be taken to assist Mount Polley Mine to continue its operation and production while the investigations are conducted. Further, that it be strongly recommended that the investigation process be accelerated in order to mitigate costs."

I expect Rathor to get a very sympathetic ear when he presents his report to his colleagues Tuesday.  Rathor, in his report, says that if Mt Polley is not allowed to restart, the economic and social repercussions to the City will be significant...

Committee of the Whole meetings are advisory in nature and thus Council can not make an official decision on his motion until its' next Regular Meeting which is November 4th.

To read the full report of Councillor Rathor - click here


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