Monday, October 27, 2014

18 Days to Go...

With 18 Campaign days left (technically 19, but hopefully no candidate campaigns on Remembrance Day - Nov 11th) -- we are now into the 'critical' portion of the campaign which includes 3 All Candidates Forums in Williams Lake and Quesnel this week (Mon - WL City Councillor candidates, Tues am - WL Mayoral Candidates, Tues pm - Quesnel Mayoral/City Councillor candidates).  More details here

There is also 9 days until the 1st Advanced Vote which is mandatory for all local government (SD27/28, CRD and Municipal Councils) elections on Wednesday, Nov 5th

Tonight's format for the "All Candidates" Forum in the Gibraltar Room for WL City Councillor candidates includes opening and closing statements and a series of moderated questions.  The questions I'll be looking to be asked include Mt Polley and a healthy/vibrant downtown core.  Candidates that I'll be looking to see how they perform include Bobbie-Jo Macnair, Tovi Pare, Laurie Walters, Jason Ryll and Sue Lachance.  Please note that Marnie Brenner will not attend tonight's All Candidates Forum at the Gibraltar Room, due to the unexpected death of her father-in-law.  My deepest condolences to Marnie and her family at this sad time...

On Nov 4th at the Lodge Conference Centre, starts at 7pm - the 100 Mile Mayor/Councillor candidates will have their All Candidates Forum, hosted by the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce.

Meanwhile - campaign signs are now up in the City from WL City Councillor candidates Laurie Walters and Peter Bowman & WL Mayoral Candidates Surinderpal Rathor, Kerry Cook and Walt Cobb.  Watch for others to follow this week including WL City Councillor candidate Scott Nelson

The next couple of weeks will go fast and then it'll be all over but the vote count and the final determination by voters in the various communities of the Cariboo-Chilcotin...

Stay tuned!


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