Monday, October 27, 2014

Women running for local office (Cariboo-Chilcotin)

In a story in the Nelson Star (sister paper to the Williams Lake Tribune) -- they look at woman running for elected office in that region - read here

Meanwhile - let us look at women running for local government elections in this region

In 2011 - females running for local office:

Wells - 2 (for 5 elected positions)
Quesnel - 2 (for 7 elected positions)
Williams Lake - 5 ( for 7 elected positions)
100 Mile House - 1 (for 5 elected positions)
School District #27 - 6 (for seven elected positions)
School District #28 - 5 (for seven elected positions
Cariboo Regional District - 6 (for twelve elected positions)

In 2014 - females running for local office:

Wells - 5  (for 5 elected positions)
Quesnel - 3  (for 7 elected positions)
Williams Lake - 7  (for 7 elected positions)
100 Mile House - 2  (for 5 elected positions)
School District #27 - 7  (for 7 elected positions)
School District #28 - 4  (for 7 elected positions)
Cariboo Regional District - 9  (for 12 elected positions)

In 2011 - men running for local office:

Wells - 3  (for 5 elected positions)
Quesnel - 11  (for 7 elected positions)
Williams Lake - 12  (for 7 elected positions)
100 Mile House - 5  (for 5 elected positions)
School District #27 - 5  (for 7 elected positions)
School District #28 - 5  (for 7 elected positions)
Cariboo Regional District - 13  (for 12 elected positions)

In 2014 - men running for local office:

Wells - 5  (for 5 elected positions)
Quesnel - 8  (for 7 elected positions)
Williams Lake - 9  (for 7 elected positions)
100 Mile House - 7  (for 5 elected positions)
School District #27 - 2  (for 7 elected positions)
School District #28 - 5 ( (for 7 elected positions)
Cariboo Regional District - 11  (for 12 elected positions)


The data generally shows that more females are running for local office (except for School District #28 - Quesnel where the number is down by 1).  It shows all local governments except School Districts is still the man's game.  Likely higher numbers for females in School Trustee races given the societal female role for responsibility for children...

The numbers do show the right trend for females running for local office and having worked with female politicians when previously the Cariboo RD Area 'D' Alternate Director, I can honestly and sincerely tell you that females do bring a different dynamic to the table and one that is needed at our governance tables...

And with the exception of 100 Mile Council which had a 100% male rate (5 of 5) governing the affairs of the District of 100 Mile House -- Councils in Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake, School Districts #27/28 and the Cariboo Regional District Board had, in my view, had a healthy mixture of female to male politicians.


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