Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Cariboo-PG Nomination Mtg set

A few days - I was advised of the fact that the Conservative Party of Canada has set the nomination meeting date to select a nominee for the Cariboo-PG Riding for the Oct 2015 Federal Election at Monday, December 15th with the deadline to have memberships in as Thursday, November 13th

More details here

Meanwhile -- Opinion250.com reports that TJ Grewal's candidacy may be moot as he missed a deadline to being a Conservative Party of Canada member prior to the nomination vote and will need to apply for a waiver.  Read more here.  Many media outlets continue to widely speculate that outgoing Prince George Mayor Shari Green will indeed seek the Conservative Party of Canada nomination -- will she or won't she... we simply will have to wait...

Finally - I hope for fairness sake that there will be nomination votes in Vanderhoof, Quesnel and Williams Lake in addition to Prince George.  Anyone who knows this region knows that roads can be difficult to travel on in December, let alone Jan - March... if not, that may skew the numbers and thus possibly alienating Conservative supporters in long distance places from PG like Vanderhoof and Williams Lake...


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