Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 3rd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

City applies to the Business Facade Improvement Program for 2015

Council approved applying for and administering the 2015 Northern Development Initiative Trust Business Façade Improvement Program and amending the process for distributing the funds to ensure funds are utilized.

Annual funding of up to $20,000 is available to municipalities to enhance economic development by encouraging private sector investments in business façade improvements. Grants would be up to $5,000 in the way of matching project funds. Eligible projects would be façade improvements that increase compliance with Development Permit Guidelines in South Quesnel, West Quesnel, Highway Frontage and Downtown Development Permit Areas. Staff are recommending making some changes to the process of approving projects and distributing funds to improve the uptake of the program.

Support for Northern Strike Paintball

Council supported the application from the Northern Strike Paintball Association for a grant in the amount of $20,000 for the development of a speedball field. As well, the City contributed $5,000 toward the project, with funds to come from the Airport Capital Reserve using money generated by the logging operation on airport lands.

Council indemnities at CPI

In accordance with Council Policy IWC-8, the Consumer Price Index for BC (CPI) September adjustment is used to determine indemnity rates for Mayor and Councillors for the following calendar year. The CPI rate for September 2014 was 1.2% and Council therefore approved an increase in indemnities. The Mayor will receive $43,177.68 annually and Councillors will receive $14,814.12 annually. The increase in the total budget for indemnities is approximately $1,570.

Transition Funding Projects

Council approved the following projects and authorized the transfer of up to $65,000 to Quesnel Community and Economic Development Corporation to undertake these projects:
1. $30,000 for an airport business plan update/marketing materials;
2. $15,000 for an updated City marketing plan/materials; and
3. $20,000 for an economic analysis of opening up the Nechako Basin.

Spray park to see upgrades in 2015

Council approved submitting/accepting a grant from the Tire
Stewardship BC 2014 Community Grant Program in the amount of $14,316 and increasing the capital budget for resurfacing the spray park by $6,112. Recycled rubber tire materials are shredded and create a thick, cushioned non-slip finish that is ideal for spray parks.

Other News:

· Council resolved to write a letter to the provincial government in support of Cottonwood House and the importance of it remaining open to the public as a heritage site.
· Council provided an exemption from strict adherence to the City’s Floodplain Bylaw for a proposed building at 3431 Gook Road subject to registration of an amended covenant setting out the development conditions per the correspondence provided by a professional engineer.
· Council gave approval to the West Quesnel Business Association to string clear lights throughout the trees in Baker Creek Park for their Winter Solstice Event on December 21.
· Council approved the disposal of four surplus vehicles through a sealed bid process.
· Council gave final adoption to Financial Plan Amendment Bylaw 1749.
· The Province of British Columbia is developing a new 10-year provincial transportation plan called B.C. on the Move and are asking for the public to engage in the discussion to help identify the transportation opportunities and priorities ahead. Council is urging the community to complete the survey which is available online at www.quesnel.ca or http://engage.gov.bc.ca/transportationplan/. The deadline for submissions is December 12, 2014.


Nov 2014 - Accessible Parking Awareness Month
Nov 2014 - Adoption Awareness Month
Nov 2014 - Diabetes Month
Nov 14th - World Diabetes Day in Quesnel

Important dates

Nov 11 - Remembrance Day
Jan 17 - 2015 Canada Winter Games Torch Light Celebration

Monday Nov. 17, 7 p.m.
Final Regular Council Meeting for the 2011-2014 Term

Monday Dec. 1, 7 p.m.
Inaugural Council Meeting of 2014-2018

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