Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thank you note from CRD Area D Director-elect S. B. Forseth

Good afternoon - thanks to everyone for their congratulatory emails, phone calls, phone texts and Facebook messages.

I am humbled and honoured to have been elected for the first time as the CRD Area D Director and thank you to the 138 Area D residents' who placed their faith in me, it will not be misplaced.  Also - thanks to Blaine Wiggins and Pennie Daffurn for running and advancing their ideas in the election.  Their ideas will be advanced for the betterment of Area D.  My campaign commitments were:

a) Complete McLeese Lake Library by 2018
b) Work with the McLeese Lake VFD Society on their goal to becoming an full Independent VFD (Volunteer Fire Department)

c) Lobby for new 2nd Floor at Cariboo Memorial Hospital
d) Continue "Community Conversation" on dog/off-road vehicle issues at Wildwood

Upon assuming my post on Dec 12th - one of the first things I hope to get started is streetlighting for residents' of Lagerquist Rd. in McLeese Lake

Other issues will obviously come up in the next 4 years and I look forward to working with the residents' of Area D to finding solutions to these problems...

If you should have any questions/concerns - I am always accessible:

PH: 250-267-6725

Or connect with me via my Facebook page here or drop me a private FB message here and I will get back to you as quickly as I can...


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