Sunday, November 16, 2014

Thank you note from Sue Lachance

Provided from Sue Lachance:

I would just like to send a huge congratulations to all of the newly elected Council in Williams Lake. Walt, may you lead in the professional, fair manner I know you can. Scott Nelson, you will bring your unbridled enthusiasm, energy, spirit and knowledge, Sue Z. & Laurie and Ivan, may you continue the course which has been set before you, Jason and Craig, may your new energy, ideas and business ability help to bring a new beginning for the city. All of you are there for a reason, to bring Williams Lake back to the strong, healthy community it once was and will be again. Blessings to all of you and I wish you all a heartfelt good luck into the future. You have four years of hard work ahead. We will all be watching and hopefully helping where we can along the way.

Sue Lachance

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