Thursday, January 1, 2015

Steve's Calendar/Expense Claims - Dec 2014

As part of a series of measures to keep Area 'D' residents up to date on my activities on their behalf - find below my monthly meeting calendar and submitted expense claims for the month of Dec 2014.

As always - if you have any questions, feel free to send them my way and I'll answer them as quickly as I can via email at or by phone at 250-267-6725.  I'm also on Facebook at "Steve Forseth - CRD Area 'D' Director"

For the Month of December 2014:

Tuesday, Dec 2nd - Inaugural Mtg of WL City Council for 2014-18 Term

Thurs and Fri Dec 4th/5th - CRD Board Orientation Meetings

Friday, Dec 12th - Inaugural Meeting of CRD Board of Directors for 2014-18 Term 

Monday, Dec 15th - 2015 CCSAR Budget Briefing

Wednesday, Dec 17th - Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee Orientation Session

As for expense claims - I submitted the following for the month of December 2014:

Dec 4th/5th - $250.00 for two days of Orientation Sessions

Dec 12th - $185.00 for Inaugural CRD Board Meeting

Grand Total for Expense Claims for December 2014 - $435.00


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