Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome to 2015

As 2014 came to an end yesterday and we begin 2015 - I'd like to look back at the year that was in politics

Federal Politics - I look back at the Stephen Harper government continuing use of its' majority status to implement its' platform and get ready for the 2015 Election.  However, it was sad to see Jim Flaherty passing away and the shocking scene as the lone gunman make his charge onto Parliament Hill.

It'll be interesting to see how the 42nd Election plays out as Harper seeks a 2nd majority mandate and how the NDP and Federal Liberals put forward their case to the Canadian people to give them an opportunity to serve as government

Provincial Politics - Things were 'light' on the provincial scene with a 2nd balanced budget by the Clark government until the Aug 4th Mt Polley incident when Clark and her government were forced to change their priorities temporarily to deal with the incident.  Watch for Clark and her government to continue forward on LNG, First Nations Relationships and help this region with Mt Polley

Local Politics - Lots happening locally in 2014 however 4 things stood out:

1) TNG Title Case Win - with the Chilcotin National Government's Title Case Win, watch for all governments to determine how/what that court case means for the region, BC and Canada...

2) Voters' consent to Recreation Upgrades - people in Williams Lake/Quesnel give their consent for two major recreation projects - Arena upgrade in Quesnel and Pool Upgrade in Williams Lake.  Both local governments (Quesnel/Williams Lake Councils' and CRD Directors) are even now working to get the projects underway and 2015 should see shovels in the ground for the Arena project in Quesnel while the shovels should be in the ground for the Pool Upgrade project in Williams Lake sometime in 2016

3) Local Elections - With last November's elections', the region saw new Mayors' in Quesnel and Williams Lake along with new City Councillors, School Trustees and CRD Directors in Areas B, D, I, K and L.  I'm looking forward to getting started this morning meeting with people as I move forward in my 1st 4 year term to implement as much of my election platform as I can from now - 2018

During 2015 - I am projecting to be busy with the following

a) Pool Upgrade project
b) Local Gov't Leadership Academy "Newly Elected Training" - Feb 4th-6th in PG
c) NCLGA AGM - May 7-9th in PG
d) UBCM AGM - Sept 2015 in Vancouver
e) Adopt CRD Budget in March
f) Strategic Planning for CRD Board - late April
g) Mt Polley
h) Area 'D' Constituency issues

As always - should you have any question(s) at any time, please feel free to contact me at 267-6725 or via email at


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