Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Aboriginal Youth Mountain Bike Program

Hello, as a new board member of the Aboriginal Youth Mountain Bike Program, I am pleased to announce we are running a crowd source fund-raising campaign.  All funds raised will support our programming with First Nation communities around the province supporting youth to get out doors and live healthy active lives.  Your donation will go towards purchasing safety equipment and helping us to facilitate riding clinics in rural communities building leadership, team work, self-esteem and connections to nature for Aboriginal youth.  Please donate today!  

If you donate more than $50 we'll provide you with one of our t-shirts with our logo designed by Coast Salish Artist, Mark Gauti.  

You can donate at our Indiegogo campaign page: 

Please be sure to share our campaign on your Facebook page and with your social networks.  Help us reach our goal and support healthy active living in First Nation communities.  

You can also 'like' and 'share' our Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/BCAboriginalYouthMountainBikingProject?ref=hl

Check out our website: www.aymbp.ca

Or watch our new promotional video: http://vimeo.com/109644526

Thank you so much for all your support!
Thomas Schoen

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