Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Round 3 for Business Facade Program in Quesnel

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

The City of Quesnel was once again successful in their grant application for $20,000 for commercial façade improvements. The Business Façade Improvement Program, offered for the third time in Quesnel through Northern Development Initiative Trust, provides the opportunity to make commercial areas more inviting and visually appealing to visitors and residents; increase assessed property values; promote private sector investment; build civic pride; and to stimulate the local economy.

“We value our relationship with Northern Development Initiative Trust and appreciate their continued investment in the north. We are extremely pleased that our grant application was successful once again and that we are able to provide this type of assistance to our local businesses,” says Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson. “The Business Façade Improvement Program makes a significant impact on our local businesses and I would encourage all eligible property and business owners to take advantage of this opportunity.” 

The program offers assistance to property owners and business owners to improve the physical appearance of buildings. The guidelines are intended to maximize the benefit for improving the aesthetics of commercial areas.

The City of Quesnel will provide a 50% reimbursement grant up to a maximum of $5,000 per building/project to improve the facades of commercial buildings. The building must be located in one of the following Development Permit Areas: Downtown Core, West Quesnel, South Quesnel Highway, or Highway Frontage. Each building or business within the area is eligible for a one time grant. Projects must have a minimum total cost of $2,000 in order to qualify and all work must be complete by Dec. 31, 2015.

Eligible improvements include siding, façade painting, awnings, signs, and other exterior improvements. The Program is open to commercial buildings within defined Development Permit Areas. Other eligibility requirements apply, so please visit www.quesnel.ca/Permits.html for full program guidelines or contact the City’s Planning Department at 250-992-2111. 

Applications will be received first come, first served beginning February 16, 2015.  This year, rather than an intake deadline we are accepting applications on an ongoing basis starting today and will continue until all of the funds are allotted.

A map of Eligible Properties, Eligibility Requirements and complete Application details are available on the City’s website at www.quesnel.ca/Permits.html. 

To view the funding programs and success stories of Northern Development Initiative Trust, visit their website at www.northerndevelopment.bc.ca.

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