Wednesday, April 22, 2015

CC Joint Committee - April 22nd mtg

Present from City of WL: Co-Chair Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, C. Smith, J. Ryll, and L. Walters

Present from CRD: Co-Chair Director J. Sorley; Directors S. Forseth and B. Kemp


G. Paynton - Director of Community Services; City of WL
D. Campbell - Mgr of Community Services; CRD
L. Schick - Deputy Corporate Officer; CRD
J. Bell - CAO; CRD
D. Garceau - City Manager; City of WL

Meeting chaired by Director Sorley

Meeting called to order at 5pm.  The Chair noted that the meeting was being held on Shuswap territory

Meeting agenda approved/Mins of March 25th CC Joint Committee meeting approved


1) CC Arts/Culture Society - 1st Quarter 2015 Report

Discussion ensued thereon.  Leah Selk from the CC Arts/Culture Society was present to answer questions of the Committee

Resolved - Report received

2) Pool Upgrade Project - Working Group Meeting Notes – April 1, 2015

The Mgr of Community Services reviewed the item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

3) Review of Fees and Charges Bylaw

The Director of Community Services reviewed his report with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - Report received

Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm

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