Wednesday, April 22, 2015

CC Rural Caucus - Apr 22nd mtg

Present: Chair S. Forseth; Directors J. Sorley, B. Kemp, and B. Anderson (3:55pm)

Staff: L. Schick - Deputy Corporate Officer; J. Bell - CAO

Meeting called to order at 3:30pm

Meeting Agenda with 1 Late Item and Mins of March 25th CC Rural Caucus adopted


1) The Committee received a report of the CRD Mgr of Communications in regards to a sponsorship opportunity for Esk'et (Alkali Lake) Rodeo Club

2) The Committee then discussed the following:

a) Meeting with MLA's Oakes/Barnett
b) Aggressive Dogs in Central Cariboo
c) Mountain House Rd - Speed Sign

Resolved - That a letter be forwarded to the local Ministry of Transportation office requesting that speed signs be posted along Mountain House Rd from the turnoff to West Coast Rd to Likely Rd as well as along West Coast Rd past the Wildwood Transfer Station

d) 2015 NCLGA AGM/Convention

e) Late item - May 2015 CC Rural Caucus Mtg

Resolved - That Director Sorley be authorized to chair the May 27th CC Rural Caucus meeting in the absence of Director Forseth

3) The Committee received the Action Page as of April 22nd

The Committee adjourned at 4:15pm

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