Friday, April 24, 2015

CCRHD Board Meeting - Apr 24th

Present: Chair J. Massier; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, Campsall and Alternate Director S. Hart (Area H)


J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 9:32am
Meeting Agenda approved/Mins of the March 27th CCRHD Board Meeting approved


1) The Board adopted CCRHD Capital Expenditure (GR Baker Hospital Anesthetic Unit 1) Bylaw No. 104, 2015

2) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of Apr 24th

3) The Board received an item from Northern Health regarding Quesnel Collaborative Working on Strategy for Physician Recruitment

4) The Board received an invitation from Interior Health celebrating the retirement of former IH Board Chair Norman Embree and a letter will be forwarded to Mr. Embree thanked him for service as the Board Chair of Interior Health

The Chair provided a verbal update on meetings that he recently attended

Meeting recessed at 10:03am
Meeting resumed at 12:11pm


PMT Chartered Accountants / Business Advisors LLP appeared before the Board to present the Audited 2014 Consolidated Financial Statements for the Cariboo Regional Hospital District.

Resolved - That the 2014 Audited Financial Statements for the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District be approved

Meeting adjourned at 12:14pm

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