Friday, April 24, 2015

CRHD Board Mtg - Apr 24th

Present: Chair J. Massier; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, Campsall and Alternate Director S. Hart (Area H)


J. Bell - CAO
S. Reid - CFO
A. Johnston - Corporate Officer
K. Moores - Mgr of Development Services

Meeting called to order at 9:30am
Meeting Agenda approved/Mins of the March 27th CRHD Board Meeting approved

Business - None

Meeting recessed at 9:31am
Meeting resumed at 12:08pm


PMT Chartered Accountants / Business Advisors LLP appeared before the Board to present the Audited 2014 Consolidated Financial Statements for the Cariboo Regional Hospital District.

Resolved - That the 2014 Audited Financial Statements for the Cariboo Regional Hospital District be approved

Meeting adjourned at 12:10pm

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