Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Discolored water in Zone 3 Safe To Drink

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake recommends that residents in and around the Western Avenue- Pigeon Avenue area run their taps to clear any discolored water that may appear. This discoloration was caused by a fire hydrant knocked off by a motor vehicle accident March 31. The discoloration does not affect the safety of the water; it is still potable and meets all drinking water guidelines.

The fire hydrant expelled a large volume of water, and stirred the water in the system, causing the discoloration, mostly due to manganese. Normally fire hydrants do not expel water when run over in a motor vehicle accident; however the fire hydrant that was hit was an older model, and will now be replaced with a newer model.

The fire hydrant destroyed was an older model; newer fire hydrants do not eject water when struck.

For further information, please call Municipal Services at 250-392-8487

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