Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Special Council Committee Meeting (2015 Budget) - April 1st/2015

Present - Acting Mayor L. Walters; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, J. Ryll and S. Zacharias


D. Garceau - City Manager
M. Stewart - Director of Finance
D. Webster - Director of Protective Services/Fire Chief
G. Muraca - Director of Municipal Services
S. Miranda - Mgr of Active Living
J. Engelberts - Mgr of Water/Waste

Meeting called to order at 6pm by Acting Mayor L. Walters

Opening comments by the Acting Mayor who then relinquished the meeting chair to Councillor Nelson as Chair of Council's Finance Committee who then provided opening comments of his own as to the budget process to date and next steps

Budget Presentation by the City Manager.  A Question/Answer period ensued during the City's Manager's presentation

Resolved - That the Committee endorse the updated Capital Budget recommendations of the City Manager

The Chair then called for public input -- 2 members of the public came forward and provided their input to the Committee

Resolved - That Staff bring forward the 2015 Budget and Tax Rates Bylaws, based on tonight's budget discussions, for Council's consideration

Meeting adjourned at 7:20pm

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