Wednesday, April 29, 2015

SILGA Convention starts today

The Southern Interior Local Government Association (SILGA) AGM/Convention starts in earnest today however registration commenced yesterday along with a golf tournament and a SILGA Executive Meeting.  SILGA represents 9 cities,  10 Districts, 6 Regional Districts, 4 Towns, 7 Villages, along with the Sun Peaks Resort Municipality in its' representation area

On the next two days - SILGA Delegates will discuss Resolutions covering a variety of topics and hear from a variety of speakers.  In addition, SILGA Delegates will participate in a variety of different forums.  The SILGA Convention/AGM will end on Friday at noon

View the SILGA AGM/Convention website here while watch outgoing SILGA President (and Kamloops Councillor) Marg Spina talk about the upcoming SILGA Convention here

For those from 100 Mile House to the BC/Yukon border - the North Central Local Government Association AGM/Convention takes place next Wednesday to Friday in Prince George and I'm very much looking forward to attending my 1st NCLGA Convention and reporting back on my activities at the NCLGA Convention upon my return from Prince George next weekend...


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