Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Wildwood Community Safety Mtg

Earlier this evening from 7-8pm, I hosted a meeting to discuss local community safety in Wildwood at the Wildwood Fire Hall.  About 15 people came out to discuss their community safety concerns with myself as the Cariboo Regional District Area 'D' Director along with Dave Dickson (City of WL Safer Communities Coordinator), RCMP Staff-Sgt Del Byron (Acting Detachment Commander) and Bobby Sunner

After reviewing crime statistics for Wildwood - a general crime safety discussion ensued including a discussion about a neighbourhood watch program

In addition - Wildwood VFD Chief Randy Worsley gave a quick 3 minute talk on the new Emergency Notification System that is launching next Tuesday.  Go to your local government website to register for the new notification system

I want to publicly thank Mssrs Sunner/Dickson and Staff-Sgt Del Byron for coming out and having a two-way conversation about making Wildwood a much safer community for the local residents'


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