Friday, June 26, 2015

89th WL Stampede starts today!

Today the 4 day event called the Williams Lake Stampede begins.  It is the 89th event since its' inception in 1926

There are too many events to list here so you can read the 4 day brochure here or you can visit the Williams Lake Stampede website here

I will be participating in some of the events including the Stampede Parade on Saturday with my colleague, CRD Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley, on behalf of the CRD

Don't forget about Canada Day next Wednesday as well.  I will be saying a few words on behalf of the CRD

In addition - there is also the Sunday Farmers' Market in McLeese Lake from 9am - 1pm by the Oasis Pub

Stay cool this weekend by finding shade and drinking lots of fluids... Also - don't forget to take extreme care with your campfire... there are no campfire bans within the Cariboo Fire Centre but there is a campfire ban in parts of the Coastal Fire Centre.  Find the latest information here

Finally - there are no scheduled local government meetings next week so enjoy your long weekend with your family...


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