Thursday, June 25, 2015

WL Minor Hockey receives Prov $$$

Courtesy of the BC Government Caucus:

The Williams Lake Minor Hockey Association (WLMHA) is benefiting from $87,500 in funding towards its Minor Hockey Program for youth 5-18 years of age.

"The provincial gaming grant is an invaluable and appreciated source of funding that assists minor hockey associations like Williams Lake in providing affordable access for children to play the game of hockey,” said President of WLMHA, Jonathan Jackson. “Without it, many kids would not have the opportunity to play this wonderful sport, and would miss out on being influenced by the many extraordinary coaches and mentors who make positive differences in these kids' lives yearly.”

“Hockey develops skills on the ice that build a foundation for a lifetime of memories, friendships and pride,” said Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett. “This funding will support the Williams Lake Minor Hockey Association and the young players build leadership skills, boost self-confidence and self-respect, while having fun on the ice.”

“The benefits of hockey and organized youth sports have the capacity to positively impact children’s lives in so many ways,” said Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes. “I am pleased that our Williams Lake and area youth will benefit from this funding providing healthy, active and character building recreation in our community.”

The Community Gaming Grants to this organization was made possible through the Sports and Arts and Culture intake. Grants through this intake go towards programs that contribute to the quality of life in a community, including assisting the disadvantaged or distressed, promoting health, or enhancing opportunities for youth.

Every year, the provincial government approves $135 million in gaming grants that benefit over 5,000 local organizations that serve communities throughout British Columbia.

Organizations interested in applying for Community Gaming Grants can find information and applications at

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