Thursday, October 22, 2015

CRD Oct 22nd Finance/Budget Mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, Campsall and Alternate Director Cash (Area I)

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm
Meeting Agenda approved


1) The Committee reviewed/approved in principle the following Business Plans for 2016

a) Electoral Area Administration
b) Administrative Services (General Administration)
c) Governance

Resolved - That the Committee set a 2016 budgetary target of 0%, taking into consideration inflationary factors

2) The Committee received a report from the Corporate Officer concerning Sponsorship Request for the 40th Annual BC Elders Gathering in July of 2016.  Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Richmond, Wagner, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, Campsall and Alternate Director Cash

Negative - Director Sorley

3) The Committee received a report from the CFO concerning a Community Works Funds Allocations Review and the Community Works Fund Expenditure Ratio be set at:

30% - Recreation
20% - Protective Services
15% Water
15% Sewer
20% - Other

4) The Committee received a report from the CAO concerning Directors' Remuneration and agreed to refer the Director Remuneration Bylaw to the Feb 2016 Committee of the Whole Meeting

5) The Committee received a report from the CFO concerning the Insurance Deductible Contingency Fund Policy and Staff were directed to report back on recommendations as to any changes to the Policy

6) The Committee, at the request of Director Forseth, asked UBCM to report on work done on inequality in regards to BC Hydro providing 1% of electric sales to muncipalities but not Electoral Areas

7) The Committee rejected a request of Director Forseth to ask Staff to look into the feasibility of the Cariboo Regional District doing its' own property tax notices, rather than relying on the Surveyor of Taxes

The Committee agreed to adjourn at 8:13pm

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