Tuesday, October 20, 2015

WL Council Highlights - Oct 20th mtg

Present: Acting Mayor C. Smith; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, J. Ryll, and L. Walters

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Meeting Agenda approved/Oct 6th WL City Council Meeting Minutes Adopted


1) Elcy LePage & Sam McCarthy from Interior Roads appeared before Council to discuss their Winter Preparedness Program for Public Roads

A Question/Answer period ensued

Acting Mayor Smith, on behalf of Council, thanked the delegation for their presentation

2) Representatives from Central Interior Rural Division of Family Practice appeared before Council to discuss the proposed Memorandum of Understanding between CIRD/City of WL

A Question/Answer period ensued

Acting Mayor Smith, on behalf of Council, thanked the delegation for their presentation

Resolved - That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #17, 2015, together with the report of the Chief Administrative Officer dated October 8, 2015 and Community Services Committee Report #07-2015, Council endorse and approve the proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Williams Lake and the Central Interior Rural Division of Family Practice (CIRD).


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending September 17, 24 and October 1, 2015

2) Council, at the request of Councillor Ryll, voted to reconsider MacPine Developments Ltd. Application for Development Variance Permit for 18 Woodland Drive by the following vote:

Affirmative - Councillors Nelson, Ryll and Walters
Negative - Councillors Bonnell and Smith

Staff were also directed to re-issue public notification of the DVP Application by MacPine Developments for 18 Woodland Drive and that Council will consider the matter at their Nov 17th meeting

3) Council approved travel expenses for Mayor Cobb to attend a presentation and tour by School District No. 19 and community representatives in Revelstoke, BC on October 30, 2015.

4) Council approved the submission of an application to the Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF) program for the CN Rail Pedestrian Underpass project for a total estimated value of $1,380,304, based on up to 100% funding

5) Council gave approval for the 2015 Annual Memory Tree Celebration on Sunday, December 6, 2015 from 3:00 PM to 4:30 PM at City Hall

6) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for the local branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association's Community Gaming Grant application through the Province's Gaming Policy & Enforcement Branch for their multiculturalism program and events

7) Council received a letter from the 2015 Williams Lake Terry Fox Run Committee regarding 2015 Fundraising Summary and Council thanked organizer Sheila Wyse and all the volunteers involved in making the 2015 Terry Fox Run a success and further thanked them for their volunteerism and spirit.

8) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for the Business Improvement Area's Fabulous Festivals and Events Grant application through Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) for the 2015 Winter Lights Festival

9) Late Item -- Council agreed to provide a letter of support for the WL Curling Club's Community Halls and Recreation Facilities funding application through Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) for their Energy Improvement Project.

10) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of October 20th, as follows:

• September 2015 - Northern Region Community Relations 2015 Annual Report;
• October 7, 2015 - Interior Health re Appointment of President and Chief Executive Officer of IHA.

Members of Council reported on their recent activities

Resolved - That a letter of congratulations be forwarded to Cariboo-Prince George MP-elect Todd Doherty and that he be requested to attend a meeting with local First Nations/Cariboo Regional District in regards to renovations at the Cariboo Memorial Hospital

Meeting adjourned at 6:44pm and Council convened an In-Camera meeting as per Section 90(1k - negotiations) of the Community Charter

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