Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Quesnel Council Highlights - Oct 19th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Seniors’ Affordable Housing Project
Director of Development Services Turner provided a report to Council outlining the Lion’s Club Housing Society’s application to amend land use regulations at the corner of McNaughton Avenue and Reid Street; the intended location of an affordable seniors’ housing complex.  The application requests the following amendments to the land use regulations on this site:
·         Permit additional density to a maximum of 201 dwelling units/ha;

·         Permit a maximum coverage of approximately 79%;

·         Allow a front yard setback of 3.0 metres; and

·         Change the number of off-street parking spaces required to 11 spaces including one accessible stall (1 stall for every 2.7 units).

Council passed a resolution for staff to prepare draft Official Community Plan Amendments and Zoning Bylaw and requires the proponents to conduct a public consultation prior to the second reading of the proposed Bylaw amendment.

Local Services Area Policy
Council approved Local Services Policy CF-8 – A Local Area Service pursuant to Part 7, Division 5 of the Community Charter. For new municipal services that is designed to benefit a particular physical area of the municipality and is paid for in whole or in part by local property owners through a local service tax.  This policy lays out the steps for a homeowner, seeking a new service, to ensure that their neighbourhood is in agreement with the proposed request and willing to assume a portion of the associated costs. 

Asset Management Policy
Council approved the Asset Management Policy CF-9.  This policy is essential in the City applying for grants to proactively manage our infrastructure needs. 

Non-Complying Signage
Council referred discussion regarding non-complying signage at several businesses to the Policy and Bylaw Committee for review and discussion to address local business concerns with the consistent application of the signage bylaw.

NDIT – Mountain Pine Beetle Funding
The City of Quesnel is applying through the Northern Development Initiative Trust Mountain Pine Beetle Fund to assist our community with project funding, to help proactively manage our way through this transitional time.

·         Veterans’ Days – October 30 – November 10, 2015 – Royal Canadian Legion Branch #94

·         Bylaw 1773 – Streets, Traffic and Parking Bylaw – Repeal Third Reading AND Third Reading as Amended
·         Bylaw 1774 – Municipal Ticketing Information – Repeal Third Reading AND Third Reading as Amended
·         Bylaw 1775 – Group Day Care (1341 Pentland Crescent) – Final Adoption
·         Bylaw 1778 – Community Theatre Statutory Reserve – Final Adoption
·         Bylaw 1779 – Five Year Financial Plan Amendment – First, Second and Third Readings
·         Bylaw 1780 – Comprehensive Fees and Charges Amendment – First, Second and Third Readings

Next Meetings:
Monday, October 26, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Committee of the Whole Session

Monday, November 2, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Regular Meeting

Council Clippings provides a summary of business conducted by Council at Regular Council meetings. For specific details, visit www.quesnel.ca, click the “Council” link and the “Agendas and Minutes” section.

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