Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Finance Cmte Mtg (WL Council) - Oct 6th

Present: Councillor Nelson (Chair); and Councillors J. Ryll and C. Smith

Also Present: Mayor W.Cobb; Councillors Zacharias, Walters, and Bonnell (entered meeting at 5:37pm)

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

Agenda Adopted


1) Woodland Drive Water/Sewer  - Capital Project Funding

A report was presented to the Committee from Councillors Nelson, Ryll and Smith
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

A Development Policy Initiative for Woodland Drive be established for upgrading water/sewer for Woodland Drive;

Council support/endorse a contribution level of $1 million over a four year period as the City's contribution level in assisting the upgrading of water/sewer in the Woodland Dr area and the lands beyond and will raise $1 million over a 4 year period

Council initiate an updated cost analysis in late 2016 for funding partners and others to assist in reducing the overall costs and acknowledge in the funding formula that the City is contributing $1 million

Meeting adjourned at 5:55pm

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