Tuesday, October 6, 2015

WL Council Highlights - Oct 6th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith, L. Walters and S. Zacharias

Meeting called to order at 6pm
Minutes of Council's September 15th meeting adopted and meeting Agenda with 1 Late Item adopted


Councillor Bonnell declared a conflict of interest on the Delegation as it related to Canada Post and left the meeting at 6:01pm

Peter Epp appeared before Council to discuss Location of Community Mailbox at Birch Hill and Hazel Street

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Mssrs Epp/Moffat for their time/information


1) That the Mayor continue to work with Canada Post to move the Community Mailbox from Birch Hill to a more suitable location

2) That Canada Post work with affected residents' to have community mailboxes in a safe location with regard to accessibility and lighting

Councillor Bonnell returned to the meeting at 6:23pm


1) Council received the accounts payable computer cheque listings for the periods ending September 17 and 24, 2015

Councillor Nelson declared a potential conflict of interest on the next item and left the meeting at 6:23pm

2) Council approved the permissive property tax exemptions for 2016 and gave Bylaw No. 2238 (Property Tax Permissive for years 2016-2025) 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings

Councillor Nelson returned to the meeting at 6:24pm

3) After 3 members of the public addressed Council on DVP #1-2015 and receiving 8 letters both for and against the DVP  - Council rejected DVP #1-2015 (MacPine Developments - 18 Woodland Drive) by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors Scott Nelson and Laurie Walters

Negative - Councillors Ivan Bonnell, Jason Ryll, Sue Zacharias and Craig Smith

4) Council ratified the poll of Council to authorize Special Occasion Liquor Licenses on October 10, 17, 31, November 20, 28, 29, December 6 and 18, 2015 and January 15, 2016 at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex, pursuant to City Policy and subject to RCMP approval

5) Council appointed William Wallace as Chief Financial Officer of the City of Williams Lake in accordance with Sections 146 and 149 of the Community Charter and City of Williams Lake Officers Bylaw No. 2095, 2010

Delgations, cont:

Mark Savard appeared before Council to discuss the recently held Mountain Bike Symposium

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Mr. Savard for his time/information

Business, cont:

6) Council awarded the contract for the supply and installation of eight LED light standards in two City-owned parking lots, located at 97 First Avenue South and 58 Third Avenue South, to D&S Electric for the bid price of $51,315, excluding applicable taxes.

7) Council received an application for DVP #8-2015 (John & Norma Bos - Interior Lot Line Reduction for Shed - 705 Fourth Avenue North). Council will formally consider this application at its' Nov 3rd meeting)

Councillor Smith declared a conflict on the next item and left the meeting at 7:05pm

8) Council gave 1st/2nd Readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2237 ( Joe Hamel - Addition of 'Carriage House' Use - 1999 Broadway Avenue South) and set the Public Hearing for November 3rd at 7pm in Council Chambers and referred the application to the Cariboo Regional District/MOTI for their review

Councillor Smith returned to the meeting at 7:07pm

9) Council agreed to the following with respect to the 153 Mile Museum/Store:

a) advise the Williams Lake Museum and Historical Society and the Cariboo Regional District of the offer from the Patenaude Family to donate the 153 Mile Store and its contents to the City as a heritage building;

b) direct Staff to issue a Request for Proposals for professional services in evaluating and advising Council, the Regional District and the Museum Society, and that a response be brought forward for consideration by the Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee;

c) direct Staff to arrange a tour of the historic building and its contents for members of Council, the Regional District and Society Directors.

10) Council awarded the contract for the supply of dried bulk highway salt to Lafarge Asphalt Technologies for the tendered price of $136.80 per metric tonne, excluding applicable taxes.

11) Council received the Sept 16th Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee meeting minutes

12) Council authorized the following with respect to Remembrance Day Ceremonies/Poppy Sales:

a) approve the Poppy Campaign sale days from October 28 to November 11, 2015;
b) encourage the community to attend the Remembrance Day ceremonies at the Gibraltar Room on November 11, 2015;
c) approve the parade route on November 11, 2015 as indicated, and Staff coordinate the placement of barricades as requested;
d) approve the use of the City Hall lobby for accumulation of Wreath and Crosses before and after the service parade; and further,
e) authorize the Legion Flag to be displayed on the City's flag pole for the week of November 4 through 11, 2015.

13) Late Item - Council authorized the following with respect to the 2016 Operation/Capital Budget Process:

* City Staff to review the Planning and Development policies and procedures to ensure that the City of Williams Lake’s application and approval framework is efficient and promotes development and investment in the community

* Council maintain the Water and Sewer utility rate fee structure at the 2015 levels

* Council commit to annual contributions of $200,000 to the Water and Sewer Reserve accounts to ensure that sufficient funds are being raised to address future capital upgrade projects to meet the needs of infrastructure and asset management requirements

* Council support a collaborative approach to assessing the costs associated with Solid Waste Management with the Cariboo Regional District;

* Council target a 0% property tax increase for the 2016 Budget

* Council direct a 2% reduction in the respective departmental budgets be achieved from the 2015 approved budget levels

* Council direct senior staff to bring forward, within the 5 Year Capital Plan, options for a 10% annual reduction in Capital spending;

* Council support and maintain the principle of no long- term borrowing beyond Council’s current term of office.

13) Council received the Oct 6th 'Council Information Package' as follows:

• September 11, 2015 - CRD Board Highlights;
• September 15, 2015 - Green Communities Committee re 2014 Corporate Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions;
• October 2, 2015 - CRD Board Highlights.

Members of Council reported on their recent activities

Meeting adjourned at 7:35pm


  1. I'm surprised that Council did not discuss the pending layoffs of more city staff that's in the works because of the city's debt load. Perhaps they will wait for the smell of the fact that the entire City Council attended UBCM in Vancouver at an authorized cost of $3,500.00 per council member to fade. And why can Steve Forseth attend the same convention at the same time at cost of approximately $500, plus he posted his expenses on his blog with nothing to hide?! This City Council needs to remember that they also have to be part of the solution (massive accumulated City debt)and not add to the problem.

  2. Well said Gadfly. This Council will fiddle while Rome burns.
