Monday, January 11, 2016

BC Recycles

A new website has been established to be an online "one stop shop" for finding locations near you to recycle your various items including electronics, glass or flammable materials among other items

According to the website - BC Recycles is:

Product stewardship is an environmental management strategy guided by the principle that whoever designs, produces, sells, or uses a product takes responsibility for minimizing that product’s environmental impact.

By diverting recyclable materials from the landfill, we can reduce the need to develop new landfill sites. The diverted materials can be reused and we can save the energy needed to produce new products from raw materials.

BC product stewards have committed to recycling their products safely and responsibly. By returning your products to the appropriate collection sites, you can guarantee a safe and responsible recycling process.

Their funding comes from two models of:

a) Internalized Cost Model

The internalized cost model is a funding model where the cost of the recycling program is part of the producer’s cost of the product; the producer either absorbs the cost of recycling or internalizes the cost into the product’s selling price. Programs with internalized recycling costs do not charge separate fees to the consumer at the retail point of sale.

b) Eco-Fee Model

The eco-fee model is a funding model where the cost of the recycling program is also part of the producer’s cost of the product, however, the cost (typically referred to as eco-fees) are charged to the consumer at the retail point of sale. Eco-fees are typically applied as a separate charge in addition to the product’s selling price.

You can view the full website here

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