Saturday, January 9, 2016

Tsi Del Del (Alexis Creek) First Nation Election 2016

Yesterday - members of the Tsi Del Del First Nations (Alexis Creek) held their elections for Chief/Councillors.

Former Chief Ervin Charleyboy was elected again to the position Chief of Tsi Del Del First Nations (Alexis Creek) defeating Clayton John Charleyboy by a mere 5 votes

Meanwhile - out of 20 candidates for Councillor - the following were successful for Band Councillor:

Percy Guichon, Otis Guichon Senior, Rocky Guichon, John Charleyboy, Terry Char, and Maryanne Boyd

There was some discussion on Facebook yesterday about some not receiving their voting packages so we'll see if this comes up as the election result is certified in the next few days...

Congrats to the new Chief/Councillors and those who were not successful, Thank You!!! for putting your name forward for election. Democracy is always served by having choices for elected office...


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