Friday, January 15, 2016

CCRHD Board Highlights - Jan 15th mtg

Present: Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Area I Alternate Director R. Cash

Meeting called to order at 9:30am - Corporate Officer A. Johnston

The Corporate Officer called 3 times for election of Chair - CCHRD Board

Director Forseth nominated Director Massier.  Director Massier accepted the nomination

No further nominations.  Director Massier declared Chair of CCHRD Board for 2016

The Corporate Officer called 3 times for election of Vice-Chair - CCHRD Board

Director Richmond nominated Director Wagner.  Director Wagner accepted the nomination

No further nominations.  Director Wagner declared Vice-Chair of CCHRD Board for 2016

Director Massier assumed the Chair

Agenda accepted/Minutes of the CCRHD Board meeting held Dec 11th, 2015 was adopted


1) The Board adopted Bylaw #107 - Capital Expenditure Bylaw (Renovations to Avery Health Clinic - Quesnel)

2) The Board received the Hospital Consent Calendar as of Jan 15th

3) The Board received two Photo Submission Items from Northern Health concerning donations to Dunrovin Lodge and GR Baker Hospital

4) The Board received a year end message from the Chair of the Interior Health Board of Directors'

5) The Board approved new Capital Funding Requests from Interior Health as follows:

• Building Management System Replacement at Cariboo Memorial Hospital, Williams Lake
• Fire Sprinkler System Replacement at Mill Site Lodge, 100 Mile House
• Forms on Demand and Patient Identification System at various facilities
• CT Scanner Replacement at Cariboo Memorial Hospital, Williams Lake
• General Radiographic Systems Replacement at Cariboo Memorial Hospital,Williams Lake
• General Radiographic Systems Replacement at 100 Mile Hospital, 100 Mile House
• Infrastructure investments required for new Medstations (Automated Dispensing Cabinets) at various facilities

6) The Board requested a report from Staff for options to increase minor capital global grants to Northern/Interior Health at cost of living increase level since 2008/09

7) The Board endorsed the following recommendation from the Northern Rural Directors' Caucus from their Dec 8th, 2015 meeting as follows:

That the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board Chair co-sign correspondence from the City of Quesnel to BC Emergency Health Services, requesting that the North Cariboo be selected as a prototype community for the Community Paramedicine Initiative.

Meeting recessed at 9:44am
Meeting resumed at 11:05am


Michael McMillan, COO, Northern Interior Division, and Debbie Strang, Health Service Administrator, Quesnel Health Services, Northern Health,appeared before the Board, via teleconference, to provide updates on Master Planning, ICU/ER Co-location and the Primary Care Clinic

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Massier, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Meeting adjourned at 11:33am

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