Friday, January 15, 2016

CRD Board Highlights - Jan 15th mtg

Present: Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb, and Alternate Director Rick Cash (Area I)

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

Agenda with late items adopted/Minutes of the Board meeting of Dec 11th, 2015 adopted

Delegations Memo. of Business as of Jan 15th received


Development Services:

a) The Board gave 1st/2nd Readings to Bylaws #4996 (Area A) and #4998 (Area F)

b) The Board adopted Bylaws #4966 (Area I) and #4099 (Area G)

c) The Board received a report concerning decisions of the Provincial Agriculture Land Commission and the Board further requested that a letter be forwarded to the Ag. Land Commission regarding their application approval process and that ALC Chair Frank Leonard be invited to appear before the Board in this regard

d) The Board asked Staff for a report on a user pay to taxation model for the Building Inspection Service as it relates to Building Permit Fees

e) The Board received the Nov 2015 Building Stats

Environmental Services:

a) The Board received the Water/Sewer Projects report

b) The Board adopted the recommendations of the Invasive Plants Coordinator concerning expenditure of the surplus within the Invasive Plant Management Function budget

Meeting recessed at 11:01am
Meeting resumed at 11:33am


Hamid Tamehi, NIA Engineering Team Lead, Megan Harris, Stakeholder Engagement Lead, and David Mosure, Community Relations Manager, appeared before the Board, by teleconference, to introduce a three-year pilot project planned at the Anahim Lake Generating Station

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their presentation

Meeting recessed at 11:54am
Meeting resumed at 12:45pm

Protective Services:

a) The Board agreed to inform the Watch Lake/North Green Lake Volunteer Fire Department that the Cariboo Regional District is not able to deliver their annual billing notices


a) The Board received the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of December 2015, in the amount of $1,343,148.38

b) The Board agreed the accident insurance coverage included in the policies with the new insurance provider, effective January 1, 2016, be upgraded to provide 24/7 insurance coverage for elected officials/directors at the extra premium cost of approximately $2,500 annually


a) The Board agreed to confirm in public the following In-Camera Resolution from the Board's Dec 11th, 2015 In-Camera Board meeting:

That the following recommendation from the in-camera North Cariboo Rural
Directors Caucus meeting held on November 3, 2015, be endorsed:

That the annual contribution to the Quesnel Community Economic Development
Corporation be discontinued, and that the funds be maintained within the
Cariboo Regional District budget to fund project specific proposals from the
City of Quesnel or other agencies and groups.

b) The Board received a letter concerning Quesnel River Pulp environmental notification of a proposed air permit amendment

c) The Board received a report concerning the deadline of March 4th for submission of resolutions to the 2016 North Central Local Gov't Association AGM/Convention

d) The Board received an item concerning the proposed new spill response regime by the Ministry of Environment

e) The Board agreed to approve an NDIT grant application for $35,000 to the Local Government Management Internship program to host a local government intern

f) The Board received a letter to comment from Lheidli T’enneh (Prince George) concerning the 2nd Treaty Ratification Vote and that a letter of appreciation to the Lheidli T’enneh for their treaty referral be written

g) The Board received the final report of the Interlakes Service Delivery and Governance Review and asked Staff for a report as to next steps...

h) The Board asked Staff to report back at the Feb 10th meeting on the recently issued Discussion Paper for updating the Emergency Program Act

i) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of Jan 15th & at the request of Director Forseth - the Board agreed to forward a letter to the Minister of Environment requesting it actively engage the Red Bluff Indian Band, as it considers the permit application of Mt Polley for a full restart

Approved by the following Vote:

Affirmative - Chair Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Sorley, Wagner, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Simpson, Cobb and Alternate Director Rick Cash (Area I)

Negative - Director B. Kemp (Area E)

j) The Board received NCLGA/UBCM items as follows:

1) Minister of Agriculture - UBCM Convention Meeting Follow-up
2) City of Burnaby - Letter to Minister - Anticipated Property Assessment Changes in 2016

k) The Board received responses to recently written letters as follows:

1) Minister of Energy and Mines and Core Review - Support for Geoscience BC
2) Ministry of Environment - Marijuana Grow Industry Waste

and that a NCLGA Resolution be drafted in regards to Grow-Op Waste and presented at the 2016 NCLGA AGM/Convention in May 2016 - Dawson Creek

l) The Board received the Prioritization of Board Resolutions Reports - November 13, 2015 and December 11,2015

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations

a) The Board received the Dec 8th, 2015 minutes of the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting and endorsed 1 recommendation from that meeting concerning a Grant for Assistance application for Quesnel Tillicum Society - refer to Quesnel Foundation for funding

b)  The Board received the Dec 8th meeting minutes of the North Cariboo Joint Committee and endorsed 5 recommendations from that meeting (North Cariboo Arena Replacement Project - CRD Community Works Fund; Play Structures at Quesnel and District Arts and Recreation Centre; Disposition of North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Assets;
U-Pass Program for North Cariboo Community Campus Students and License of Occupation for Management of Quesnel Soccer Complex)

c) At request of Director Sorley - Staff were requested to report back on a Corporate Policy regarding Play Structures in the Region that no longer meet recognized standards for safety and performance.

Directors' Reports/Requests/Appointments:

a) The Board received a request from Director Forseth regarding a Corporate Communications Strategy

b) The Board approved the following external appointments for 2016 as follows:

Municipal Finance Authority

- Director Al Richmond
- Alternate, Director Brian Coakley

Fraser Basin Council

- Director John Massier
- Alternate, Director Steve Forseth

Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Committee

- Director Joan Sorley
- Alternate, Director Margo Wagner

Northern Development Initiative Trust Regional Advisory Committee

- Director Margo Wagner
- Director Wagner's Alternate is Director Brian Coakley

- Director Betty Anderson
- Director Anderson's Alternate is Director Dylan Cash

c) The Board received a letter from WL Indian Band Councillor Rick Gilbert regarding a letter of support for a multi-cultural gathering event and gave approval for a letter of support, as requested

Electoral Area and Municipal Directors' gave oral reports' on their recent activities

At 2:54pm - The Board convened an In-Camera meeting as per Sections 90(1a,b,c,g) of the Community Charter (appointment, municipal award, labour/employee relations, potential/actual litigation)

At 3:37pm - The Board reconvened in public and adjourned

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