Thursday, January 7, 2016

CRD 5 Year Financial Plan (2016-20) available for Public Review

This week - the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) has made its Provisional 5 Year Financial Plan for years 2016-2010 available for public review, both on its' website here and at Cariboo Regional District Libraries throughout the Region

The Plan calls for a requisition increase of 1.8% - 1.1% of that is attributable to 3 new services in the South Cariboo sub-region and 0.7% to the rest of the Region

Read below a report from CRD CAO J. Bell explaining the proposed 5 Year Financial Plan for years 2016-2020 inclusive:

Also - find below the CRD's 5 Year Provisional Financial Plan for Years 2016-2020 inclusive:

I have already emailed the Plan out to several people within Electoral Area 'D' for their review/comment so I hope to hear from them in the next few days or weeks.  I have also posted the Plan on a number of different Facebook pages so we'll wait and see what feedback, if any, comes from those Facebook pages

Unlike in 2015 - there will be no formal public meetings although individual Directors' may choose to hold 'Meet and Greet' meetings in their own Electoral Area later on this year to discuss the budget and other relevant matters in their Electoral Area(s)

If you have any questions about the Financial Plan - I encourage you to read the above information, then:

1) Call me at 267-6725 to discuss any concerns or questions you may have with the Financial Plan
2) Email me at or email the Board collectively at to send your comments or questions/concerns on the proposed Financial Plan
3) Post a comment here

I expect the Board to review any public feedback received at a Finance/Budget meeting to be held in early March 2016 with the Board being expected to adopt the 2016-2020 5 Year Financial Plan at its' March 24th, 2016 meeting


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