Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - Jan 5th, 2016 mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Healthcare Professional Recruitment

Council heard from Susan Paulsen, Healthcare Recruitment Coordinator, about the successful healthcare recruitment process that has resulted in new physicians and other healthcare professionals relocating to the Quesnel area.  The City’s Economic Development department created a Relocation Guide that is given to the healthcare professional that markets all the Quesnel area has to offer ranging from where to live, things to do, education available and where to work.  In addition, the “Red Carpet” treatment includes hosting dinners at Quesnel residents’ homes, personalized guided City tours, assisting with community transition support, identifying different housing options, and providing video testimonials from various community and healthcare groups.  2015 recruitment results are:

·         Four candidates have participated in site visits to Quesnel

·         Northern Health has announced one Family Physician placement, one Emergency Room Physician and an additional Internist

·         Healthy interest from International Medical Graduate Program, Practise Ready Assessment programs and referrals from BC Health Match and the Northern Health recruitment team

Next Steps include assisting new healthcare employees relocating to Quesnel, collaboration with the Child Development Centre, collaboration with Northern Health to expand recruitment/retention and continuing to build strong relationships including with the Rural Coordination Centre of BC.

Local Procurement

Council has asked the Policy and Bylaw Review Committee to review options that will update the City’s procurement policy with:

·         Improved sustainability objectives

·         Ethical and social purchasing policies

·         The possibility of including the requirement of a living wage

·         Maximization of local procurement within the confines of the New West Partnership Trade Agreement 

Public Works Facility Loan Authorization Bylaw

Council approved the first three readings of the Loan Authorization Bylaw 1786 for the proposed new Public Works Facility.  This Bylaw, along with City’s liability servicing limit certificate, the five year financial plan and background/costing information on the proposed project, will now be forwarded to the Provincial Inspector of Municipalities for approval.  The proposed Loan Borrowing Bylaw is for $10,000,000 over 30 years.  The estimated cost of the proposed Public Works Facility is approximately $10,945,000 with remaining funds required to be allocated from City capital reserves.  The estimated annual debt servicing cost for the $10,000,000 loan is approximately $494,000 with an estimated tax increase of 3.5%, or $26.17 for the average residence.  It is anticipated that other costs will be reduced that will offset this tax increase.  Pending the Inspector of Bylaws approval, Bylaw 1784 will be voted on by the electorate through an Alternate Approval Process.
Next steps include:

·         Conduct public information process:  Q-City News, open house – January 2016

·         Alternate Approval Process – First Quarter of 2016

·         Development of construction drawings – 2016

·         Site prep work managed by Public Works – 2016

·         Construction Request for Proposal – 2016

·         Construction start – Spring 2017

·         Construction ends/relocation of Public Works – 2018

Regional Shopping Centre

Council approved first and second readings and set a public hearing date for 7:00 p.m. on January 26, 2016 for a proposed regional shopping centre to be located at 855 Rita Road.  The proposal is to allow for additional retail and service use buildings on this site.  

Economic Development Budget  

Council heard the comparative budgets comparing the 2014 $155,000 City contribution from when the City’s economic development function was an external subsidiary (Quesnel & Community Economic Development Corporation) to the now in-house model (Economic Development Department of the City) with a proposed 2016 City contribution of $98,508.  The proposed $56,497 in savings is primarily operational in nature, with the General Administration budget being cut almost in half due to having fewer staff members and lower overhead costs. 

Provincial Review of Livestock Policy and Legislation

The public has until January 31, 2016 to submit feedback regarding the upcoming changes that will impact the province’s agricultural industry around:  welfare of farm animals at critical points along the transport continuum; livestock security provisions (bonding/liens); livestock at large; and dogs attacking livestock.  Please submit feedback to

Next Meetings

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 5:30 pm - NCJPC (North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee)
Tuesday, January 19, 2016 at 7 pm – Regular Council

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