Thursday, March 31, 2016

2016 NCLGA Resolutions tabled!

Yesterday - the North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) published the 2016 NCLGA Resolutions (32) to be considered at its' AGM/Convention in Dawson Creek from May 4-6.  Read those here

Of the 32 - 6 are coming from the Cariboo-Chilcotin (2 from the Cariboo Regional District, 2 from the City of Williams Lake and 2 from the City of Quesnel) and of those - only the Resolutions concerning Amend Community Charter Allowing Municipalities to Set Higher Fees (City of Williams Lake) and Highway Line Paint (City of Quesnel) have a recommendation of the NCLGA Executive for endorsement while the remainder (4) have no recommendation from the NCLGA Executive


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