Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - March 29th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Quesnel Volunteer Citizens of the Year

The following individuals have been nominated for the 2015 Volunteer Citizen of the Year Award (in no particular order):  Michelle Pelletier, Josie Whitehead, Rick Wittner & Jackie Sarginson, Ashley Schmidt, Tim Cawdell, Sheila Pritchard, Rick Prosk and Rose Gaetz.  These individuals will be honoured at the awards banquet on April 19, 2016 with doors opening at 5:30 p.m.  Banquet tickets can be purchased for $25 at City Hall.

Active Transportation Plan

The City’s Active Transportation Plan will increase transportation choices within the City and provide an accessible, sustainable, and efficient transportation system in Quesnel for walkers/runners and bicyclists using improved sidewalks and pathways was approved by Council.  Next steps include staff researching for infrastructure grant funding available for the list of projects/actions found in the Plan.  To view the full report that outlines the Active Transportation Plan’s Strategies/Actions and Implementation/Phasing please visit the City’s Home Page/Quick Links/Agendas/Minutes.

Multi-Family Housing Incentives

In order to increase housing options for seniors, singles and those with accessibility challenges, Council has approved staff to move forward with:
1.  Developing a Multi-Family Housing Incentives Bylaw based on the City of Prince George model;
2.  Offering a tiered Low Environmental Impact reduction to both the Primary and Secondary Growth areas in the City;
3.  Consulting with local housing stakeholders to gain input regarding the specific model prior to bringing back the Multi-Family Housing Incentives Bylaw for readings.
For a more information please visit the City’s website.

Phase II West Quesnel Land Stability Project -

As part of the Phase II West Quesnel Land Stability Project, the City has acquired land either through donation (Quesnel Elks Club) or purchasing land in order to install the stormceptor and storm water infiltration systems to improve the water quality before entering into Baker Creek.  The total costs to date for three parcels of land located at 202, 230 and 268 Anderson Drive is $143,710.  The site will be under construction until the spring of 2017 and then restored to green space.

Quesnel Regional Airport

Council approved staff applying for 75% British Columbia Air Access Program grant funding for two projects at the Quesnel Regional Airport:  $112,200 to replace two powered Security Gates and adding six additional perimeter emergency access gates around the property; and $45,000 for the Aerodrome Instrument Approach Upgrade.  The second project will allow for aircraft to land at a minimum of 300’ to 335’ in a low cloud ceiling situations vs. the current 712’ – 892’.  Last year, 62 Central Mountain Air flights were cancelled due to low cloud ceilings.

Bylaw of the Month – Smoking Regulations

In order to develop awareness and education of the City’s various bylaws, the Bylaw Enforcement staff will be out and about during the month of April talking to folks about the City’s Smoking Regulations bylaw.  This initiative will use the City’s website, social media, direct e-mail notices to stakeholders and Council media releases.  Smoking is prohibited in West Fraser Timber Park; Spirit Square; Quesnel Youth Soccer Playing Fields; Playgrounds and Playing Fields; Fraser River Foot Bridge (including entrances) and LeBourdais Park. 

Gook Road Sewer Extension – Majority Said Yes

13 out of 22 (59%) City residents voted in favour of the Gook Road/Wee Road sewer extension representing 63% of the total assessed value of land.  This area will be serviced by the Red Bluff Sewer System which is owned and operated by the Cariboo Regional District.  The City has been involved in this project’s design process and will be involved in managing this project on behalf of City residents.


1787 – Zone Amendment – Regional Shopping Centre (Rita Road) – Final Adoption
1793 – Secondary Suite/Coach Road South – Final Adoption 
1795 – Retail Licensee Stores – First Reading and Public Hearing Date of 7:00 p.m., April 19, 2016
1796 – Repeal Quesnel Museum and Heritage Commission       
              Bylaw – Final Adoption
1797 – Repeal Quesnel Mutual Aid Fire Protection Bylaw 1408 – First, Second, Third Reading

Next Meetings

- 7:00 pm, Tuesday, April 5, 2016 – Regular Council Meeting
- 5:30 pm, Tuesday, April 12, 2016 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

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