Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Xat'sull Ec Dev/Heritage Village

Yesterday afternoon - I had the honour to take a tour of the Xat'sull (Soda Creek) Heritage Village.  It was my very first time touring the Village

Touring the site was humbling, at times, to learn about Northern Shuswap culture.  A big thank you to my tour guide, Brandi Phillips, for enlightening me on Northern Shuswap culture from a historical perspective.  I also got a chance, after the tour of the Xat'sull Heritage Village, to meet one of Xat'sull's elders' - Ralph Phillips (Brandi's grandpa).    In First Nations culture - elders are highly respected and that was the second time I have met him and I enjoy our chats every time I get to talk with him!

Before the tour, in the morning - I also had a chance to view some of the other Economic Development activities that Xat'sull is engaged in (trails below the former Emporium Restaurant) or are in the planning process.

Thanks to Miriam Schilling who serves as Xat'sull Ec Dev Officer who passionately talked about Xat'sull's Ec Dev Plans.  She does a great job in the role.  Earlier this year - the Cariboo RD Board, at my request, gave Xat'sull $3,000 from the Area 'D' Ec Dev Function to fix up the Xat'sull Heritage Village lookout to ensure the structural integrity of the lookout.  It is hoped, according to Ms. Schilling, that repairs to the lookout will be complete by the end of this month.

I am also hoping to partner with Xat'sull in 2017 in identifying a project to invest Area 'D' Ec Dev $$$ at the Xat'sull Heritage Village.  Stay tuned for that!

The Xat'sull Heritage Village is located on Williams Lake Cut Off Road - a short drive from Highway 97, it is signed along Highway 97, north of Williams Lake and at the turnout from Highway 97.

You can visit their website here.  Cost for guided tours of the Xat'sull Heritage Village is $20.00 per adult; $18.00 for seniors and $8.50 for those 5-11 while those 12-17 pay $14.00 - taxes are included in these prices.  You are requested to phone ahead and reserve.  The number is 250-297-6502 (on-site office) or 250-989-2311.  Unguided tours are $5.00/person with a family being $15.00.  Full list of costs for 2016 can be viewed here.  Drop in hours for the month of June are Monday - Friday from 9am - 5pm

Finally - see below photos I took during the tour of the Xat'sull Heritage Village yesterday afternoon. The photos do not begin to express what you will feel as you do the tour of the Village on a personal level and obviously (and I'm a little biased here, given the Village is in my Electoral Area), I would strongly encourage you to visit the Village and experience for yourself Xat'sull Shuswap culture:

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