Friday, July 22, 2016

CCRHD Board Highlights - July 22nd mtg

Present: Chair J. Massier; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Richmond, Wagner, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Cobb and Campsall

Meeting Agenda adopted/Minutes of the CCRHD Board meeting held June 30th adopted

Memorandum of Business - Delegations received


1) The Hospital Consent Calendar was received

2) The Board received Interior Health Authority's Capital Projects and Planning Status Report - June 2016

3) The Board received a press release from Interior Health re: 100 Mile House Hospital Celebrates 50 years of Patient Care

4) The Board received a letter from the Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital District, requesting the Ministry of Health to hold a provincial session of Regional Hospital District Chairs and CAOs in conjunction with the 2016 UBCM convention

5) The Board received a letter from the Comox Strathcona Regional Hospital District, requesting that the Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board forward a letter to the Minister of Health requesting that the Hospital District Act be updated and Staff were directed to review the 2003 Ministry of Health review and report back to the August 26, 2016 Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board meeting.

Meeting recessed at 9:38am
Meeting resumed at 10:12am


Laurie Walters and Trevor Barnes from the Central Interior Rural Division of Family Practice appeared before the Board to provide an update

Director B. Simpson (Quesnel) entered the meeting at 10:30am

A Question/Answer period ensued

Chair Massier, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Meeting adjourned at 11:05am

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