Friday, July 22, 2016

CRD Board Highlights - July 22nd mtg

Present: Chair A. Richmond; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Kemp, Sorley, Wagner, William, Anderson, Coakley, Sharpe, Cobb and Campsall

Agenda adopted/June 30th CRD Board meeting minutes adopted

Memorandum of Business - Delegations was received


Development Services

1) Bylaws #5047 (Area G), 5048/5049 (Area L) were given 1st/2nd Readings

2) Bylaw #4890 (Area G) had its' 2nd/3rd Readings rescinded as per Board Resolutions 2015-6-8 and 14-03B-06 and the Board gave the Bylaw 2nd Reading as amended and adoption be subject to the following conditions:

a) The applicant(s) applying for and receiving a Development Variance Permit for the location of the boathouse; or providing proof of removal of the structure.

b) The applicant(s) offering to enter into and entering into a covenant to ensure compliance with the provisions of the Cariboo Regional District Shoreland Management Policy regarding riparian area protection and on-site effluent disposal.

c) The applicant(s) providing proof of removal or decommission of any additional dwellings on the proposed lots.

d) The applicant be required to prepare an agricultural awareness/fencing covenant to the satisfaction of the Cariboo Regional District, advising that the residential property is located adjacent to land used for agricultural purposes, which may be used for feeding and grazing of cattle and other livestock, as well as the production of crops and that fencing will be required along the ALR boundary at the subdivision stage.

3) Bylaws 5022/5023 (Area D) were given 3rd Reading

4) Bylaws 5030/5031 (Area L) were sent back to Public Hearing

5) Development Permit #40-2016 (Area A) was approved

6) The Board agreed to refer ALR Application G36-2016 to the Land Commission with a recommendation to approve

7) The Board deferred consideration of ALR Application H13-2016 to the August 26th Board meeting in order that the agrologist report connected with this application can be completed

8) Bylaws 5039-5044 (All Electoral Areas - Ancillary Space Text Amendments) were given 1st/2nd Readings

9) That the matter of Zoning Violation – Storage of Industrial Equipment / Untidy and Unsightly Premises Location: 1302 Baker Creek Road – Block B, District Lot 1123, Cariboo District, Except Plans B4503, 6182, 7730, 23364, 32551, 34541 and PGP35195 was deferred for 60 days at the
request of Area B Director Jerry Bruce to investigate solutions with Staff

Director B. Simpson entered the meeting at 10:30am

Environmental Services:

1) The Proposed Water and Sewer Projects Report was received

2) The Refuse Site Inspection Report for April 20, 2016 to June 1, 2016 was received

Community Services:

1) The Board agreed that a coordinated danger tree assessment be undertaken for recreation properties with treed areas using the provincial standard as a guide and that the assessment cost be attributed to each property budget appropriately as an increase to existing approved operational costs and that a danger tree risk management and removal policy be brought back along with the assessment report to allow for an understanding of the costs associated with both ongoing assessments and tree removal.

2) The Board agreed to provide a letter of support for an application to Northern Development Initiative Trust’s Fabulous Festivals & Events program to support the annual Gold Rush Trail Sled Dog Mail Run event in the amount of $2,500


1) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of June 2016, totalling $3,471,649.98


1) The Board received a Call for Nominations from the Canadian Wood Council for the 2016 Community Recognition Awards

2) The Board agreed to assist the BC Utilities Commission in distributing information to CRD residents regarding a “Request for comments on Residential Inclining Block Electricity Rates, via the CRD Website/Social Media Channels and Board Highlights

2) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of July 22nd

i) Resolved - That a letter be forwarded to the Province about the “8400” Road between Barkerville/Likely and that representatives from FLNRO attend a meeting with Directors' about this subject

3) The Board received a letter from Selina Robinson, MLA for Coquitlam-Mailliardville in regards to meeting with her at the 2016 UBCM Convention

4) The Board received a copy of a letter from Metro Vancouver to BC Environment Minister Mary Polak requesting an amendment to the B.C Recycling Regulation to require the implementation of an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) program for mattresses and other bulky furniture by 2017 and at the request of Director Forseth - agreed to write a letter to Minister Polak advising the Cariboo Regional District supports the position of Metro Vancouver on this matter

5) The Board received a letter from the City of Prince George concerning its' proposed 2016 UBCM Resolutions

Meeting recessed at 11:54am
Meeting resumed at 12:30pm

At 12:30pm - The Board convened an In-Camera Meeting (closed to the public) as per Sections 90 (2b/c - information held in confidence between local government, provincial/federal governments and a 3rd Party) of the Community Charter and active BC Ombudsperson complaint against local gov't)

At 12:42pm - The Board resumed its' public meeting

6) The Board received/endorsed the Prioritization of Board Resolutions report

Committee/Commission Minutes and Recommendations:

1) The Board received the July 11th minutes of the Finance/Audit Committee and endorsed recommendations concerning Remuneration Bylaw No. 5029 Schedules and review of Section 11(2) of the Procedure Bylaw concerning electronic participation by Directors' and a Value for Money audit for North Cariboo Recreation be deferred  and a framework for a value for money audit for the Building Inspection Function

2) The Board received the July 11th minutes of the South Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting and referred further consideration of a recommendation concerning Recreation Passes/South Cariboo Recreation back to the South Cariboo Joint Committee


1) The Board received an invitation from the Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin to its' 25th Anniversary and Heritage Festival on August 7th in Williams Lake

Corporate Bylaws:

1) Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area K Economic Development Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5017, 2016 was adopted
2) Red Bluff/Dragon Lake Sewer System (Gook Road Extension) Debt Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5002, 2016 was adopted
3) Red Bluff/Dragon Lake Sewer System (Gook Road Extension) Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 5003, 2016 was adopted

Directors' Requests:

1) The Board received the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition Narrative Report for June 2016, as provided by Director Sorley

2) At the request of Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier and Cash - the Board authorized $500 from the Electoral Area A, B, C and I Discretionary Funds for the Quesnel & District Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Business Excellence Awards'

3) At the request of Director Sorley - the Board authorized up to $300 in Electoral Area F Director Initiative Funds to host a lunch and purchase a gift for Uli Wittal, in appreciation of her service as an Area F Advisory Planning Commission member

4) At the request of Chair Richmond - the Board authorized $240 in Electoral Area G Discretionary Funds for the 108 Greenbelt Commission to mow the emergency exit at the 108

5) At the request of Director Anderson - the Board authorized $500 in Electoral Area K Discretionary Funds for the Big Creek Roundup event

6) The Board received an July 12th email from Director Sorley to Chair Richmond regarding concerns following the Mount Polley Post Event Environmental Impact Assessment Report presentation in Likely on July 7th and a letter be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment concerning the following points, as provided by Director Sorley:

a) The presentation by Daniel Potts from Tetratech Engineering indicated that their studies and modelling concluded that the tailings and clay flour deposition on the Quesnel Lake bottom was stirred up and distributed throughout the lake once, during the initial lake turnover in December 2014, and thereafter would be undisturbed. He said that subsequent experience has verified this conclusion. However, long-time residents who live along the shores of Quesnel Lake have consistently reported throughout this past winter, and into the spring of 2016, that the lake is cloudy, that it is an unnatural green colour, and that their water filters are constantly plugging much more quickly than they were before the dam breach. They are adamant that normal freshet would not account for this, as it never happened before the breach. MPMC is aware of these concerns, and has been unable to verify them through testing. I request that MoE require MPMC to continue to investigate these observations, to determine the cause, and to correct the conclusions in this report.

b) Impacts detailed in the report include the loss of life in the sediment on the lake bottom with the prediction that it will take generations for normal sediment to naturally rebuild, and the death of the forest in the “halo area” due to tailings deposition. Mount Polley has been very forthcoming regarding plans and actions taken to remediate the area along Hazeltine Creek, but there is no information as to remediation plans for either of these two impacts, or a link to such information.

c) There is no information contained in this report regarding the impact of this event on the physical, psychological, social, and/or economic health of the community of Likely and the residents who live along Quesnel Lake.

Directors' reported out on their recent activities within their Electoral Area/Municipality

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