Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Frizzi Rd - Switchback Rd Update

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Frizzi Road switchback to the River Valley failed during the severe rainstorm of July 12 and is currently not passable.

The switchback was identified as an area of high potential for land failure resulting from poor water drainage.

Visitors to the River Valley are welcome to park at the Comer Street entrance. When using the River Valley, please remain on the road or on posted trails in order to avoid trespassing on private property. ATVs and dirt bikes are not permitted in the River Valley Recreation Sites.

When using the Comer Street access, please use extra caution. In addition to public works vehicles, the Comer access route is now used by the rural residents and resource license holders in the River Valley.

The City is working with provincial resource staff to identify a safer access route to the river valley. Further information is available by contacting Gary Muraca, Director of Municipal Services (email here or Leah Hartley, Director of Development Services, City of Williams Lake (email here) or via phone at 392-2311

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