Tuesday, July 12, 2016

WL Chamber of Commerce scores policy success in Kelowna

Courtesy of the WL and District Chamber of Commerce:

The Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce represented our members and local businesses at the BC Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting and Conference, May 29 – 31 in Kelowna.

“We attended and participated in all areas to ensure our local businesses’ views are understood and to help shape the BC Chamber’s business advocacy agenda,” said Angela Sommer, President of the Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce.

Sommer noted that the BC Chamber is B.C.’s largest and most broadly-based business organization and allows our Chamber to punch above our weight in delivering advocacy wins for our community.

Members of the BC Chamber voted on 55 proposed resolutions and voted in 49. Together with existing policies, these new policies now form the foundation of the BC Chamber's advocacy agenda.

Our Williams Lake policy titled the Future of the Forest Industry and Importance to British Columbia’s Economy (2016) contained 5 major recommendations:

That the Provincial Government:

1. Secure access to an economically viable fibre supply;
2. Improve the integrity of the market-based timber pricing system;
3. Improve investment certainty;
4. Improve market access; and
5. Continue to develop emerging forest sector markets internationally

Scot Durward, Williams Lake Policy Chair in attendance with our Executive thanked all those who collaborated in the production and ultimately the acceptance of this policy.

The Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce is the largest and most broadly-based business organization in Williams Lake. Representing more than 300 members of every size and sector of the area, the Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce is “The Voice of Business for Williams Lake and area.”

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