Tuesday, July 12, 2016

WL Field Naturalists/WL City Council discuss Management of Scout Island

Joint Release of the City of Williams Lake/WL Field Naturalists Society:

Following a presentation from the Williams Lake Field Naturalists at the June 28, 2016 City of Williams Lake Council meeting, the City, the Williams Lake Field Naturalists, and the Scout Island Management Committee will continue discussions with respect to the vision and management of Scout Island.

Sue Hemphill, Executive Director of Scout Island states: “The Williams Lake Field Naturalists are committed to sharing ideas and information with the City of Williams Lake as we continue to fulfill our mandate of conserving and enhancing the natural habitats at Scout Island. We hope the community continues to recognize the importance of the Scout Island Nature Centre as a place to explore and learn about nature. Scout Island draws both locals and visitors from around the world, and we are committed to preserving this natural area in the center of our city as a sanctuary for our flora and fauna, while providing a comfortable and accessible experience for all visitors.”

Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb states: “City Council and staff look forward to the opportunity for discussion with the Williams Lake Field Naturalists to focus on continuing to provide the public with opportunities to explore and enjoy Scout Island. We are fortunate to work with such dedicated volunteers, and are happy to be looking at better ways to communicate and work together.”

A presentation tentatively scheduled for the July 12, 2016 Committee of Whole Council meeting has been postponed to accommodate a meeting between the parties in August.

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