Friday, November 4, 2016

CRD Board Highlights - Nov 4th mtg

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Editor's Note - I apologize for not having my usual notes but I took ill during the meeting and had to leave mid-meeting however congrats to CRD Chair Al Richmond for his re-election and our new Vice-Chair, Area 'C' Director John Massier to serve in 2017

CCRHD Funds Regional Health Projects
         The Cariboo Chilcotin Regional Hospital District (CCRHD) Board approved a bylaw to provide $33, 649 in funding to the Cariboo Foundation Hospital Trust. The funds will be used for a portable ultrasound machine in the emergency department at the Cariboo Memorial Hospital.
         The Board also agreed to support new purchases by the West Chilcotin Health Care Society through the CCRHD’s Foundation Partnership Grant. The CCRHD will fund 40 per cent of the cost of a slit lamp and two intravenous infusion pumps for the West Chilcotin Health Centre.
         Northern Health submitted a request to the CCRHD for additional funding for the GR Baker Memorial Hospital’s QUESST renovation project. The Regional Hospital District approved the request and increased their previous allocation of $200,000 for the project by $101,600 for a total of $301,600.
Interior Health Presents to CCRHD
         Three representatives from Interior Health presented to the Regional Hospital District about their key strategies for 2016-2018, local partnerships, successful recruitment efforts and other recent initiatives. Some recent successes within Interior Health have been the 14 new residential beds at Fischer Place, 70 residential beds for Williams Lake, two positions filled at Alexis Creek Health Centre, a new nurse practitioner in the region, and a new roof at Alexis Creek Health Centre. Interior Health has also recently implemented Cultural Safety Education to educate medical professionals on how to be culturally sensitive and safe as they interact with First Nations patients.
Improved Medical Services Sought for Likely and Horsefly
         The CCHRD Board of Directors will be submitting a letter to the Minister of Health requesting he add the community of Likely to the list of rural and remote communities to be included in the Community Paramedicine Initiative. The Board will also be sending a letter to Interior Health asking them to establish primary care clinics in Likely and Horsefly, similar to the one recently established in Wells.
Funding Approved for Emergency Supplies in Likely
         The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Board allocated a total of $500 from Electoral Area F Discretionary Funds to provide emergency oxygen and consumable supplies for the Likely & District Volunteer Fire and Rescue Society.
2017 CRD Chair and Vice-Chair Elected
         The CRD Board of Directors unanimously elected Electoral Area G Director Al Richmond to again serve as Board Chair. The Board also unanimously elected a new Vice-Chair for 2017 – Electoral Area C Director John Massier.
West Fraser Discusses Timber Supply Impacts
         Five senior managers from West Fraser’s Cariboo divisions delivered a presentation to the Board about timber supply in the Cariboo. They highlighted recent statistics on the region’s timber supply and what the impacts will be from the expected decrease in the Annual Allowable Cut. They also emphasized the need for a clear understanding of the future timber supply so that industry can make informed capital decisions. Discussion also took place about biomass opportunities, new economic opportunities for the timber industry, the Softwood Lumber Agreement, the Province of B.C.’s current forestry funding programs and how West Fraser and the CRD can work together on economic development initiatives.
CRD Board Applies for Funding
         The CRD will be submitting an application to the BC Rural Dividend grant program for $96,000 to support the Cariboo Strong economic development initiative in the Central Cariboo, Chilcotin and North Cariboo. In October, the BC Rural Dividend Fund approved the Board’s application for $32,000 for the South Cariboo portion of the Cariboo Strong project. Learn more about Cariboo Strong at
         CRD Directors also agreed to submit an application to the Canada-British Columbia Clean Water and Wastewater Fund for the 103 Mile Water System Improvements. The request will ask for 83 per cent funding of the project.
CRD Invasive Plant Program Receives Stronger Support
         Earlier this year, the CRD Board expressed concerns regarding the continued lack of adequate resources to effectively manage all of the priority invasive plant sites on behalf of Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI). As a result, the CRD held numerous discussions with MOTI this year about the issue and those have yielded a positive response. MOTI has increased their annual budget for invasive plant management and increased funding for the CRD’s program from $157,000 in 2015 to $275,000 for 2016. There also has been increased communications and improved relationships between the CRD and MOTI.
Feedback Requested by BC Utilities Commission
         The BC Utilities Commission is asking for feedback on BC Hydro and FortisBC’s reports to the Province of B.C. about the impacts of the two-tiered electricity rates. Information on how to submit comments can be found on our Facebook page
         The Board will be submitting a comment expressing their disagreement with the two reports and their concerns about how customers are penalized under the two-tiered rate system.
Next Meeting – Nov. 25, 2016

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