Friday, November 4, 2016

Local Gov't Mtgs - Wk of Nov 7-11

The following local governments of the Cariboo-Chilcotin are meeting next week:

Quesnel - Policy/Bylaw Review Standing Committee meeting on Wednesday, November 9th at 1pm. On the Agenda:

* Delegation: Jada Basi, City Spaces Consulting (Official Community Plan Consultant for City of Quesnel)
* Annual Committee Meeting Schedule for 2017

View the full Agenda here

Williams Lake - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 8th at 6pm in WL Council Chambers (450 Mart St).  On the Agenda:

* Accounts Payable Computer Cheque Listing
* Zoning Amendment Application - Bylaw No. 2251 - 521142 BC Ltd. (the Slumber Lodge - 27 7th Avenue South)
* 2017 NDIT Business Façade Improvement Program Grant Application
* Request for Refund of Rezoning Application Fee - Badesha - GGC Rpt #04-2016 (to deny)
* Youth for Christ Encroachment Agreement - Approval
* Land Disposition - Part of 770 Johnson Street to be Consolidated to 752 Johnson Street
* Solid Waste Business Plan
* Proposed 2017 Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Meeting Schedule
* Proclamation - "Financial Literacy Month"

View the full Agenda here

100 Mile House - Regular Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 8th at 7pm in 100 Mile Council Chambers (385 Birch Avenue).  When available, the Agenda can be viewed here

Cariboo Regional District - Meetings as referenced below:

NC Rural Caucus - Regular Meeting on Tuesday, November 8th at 4pm in the CRD Quesnel Office (101 - 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Proposed 2017 North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Meeting Schedule
* Discussion Items: North Cariboo Fire Chief's Training Requirements; City of Quesnel / CRD Recreation Management Agreement; Multi-Agency Forum for the North Cariboo; Late Item - Barlow Creek Hall Update

View the full Agenda here

Then at 5:30pm on the same evening, the North Cariboo Joint Committee will meet in Quesnel Council Chambers (2nd Floor - 410 Kinchant St).  On the Agenda:

* Arena Replacement Status Report
* Arena Replacement Project Fundraising and Communications Update
* Barlow Creek Ball Field NDI application
* HandyDART Service Data & Update
* In-Camera Session as per Section 90(1L - annual municipal report) of the Community Charter to conduct Strategic Planning

View the full Agenda here

Community Events this weekend/next week:

* Lots of Crafts events this weekend - details here
* Remembrance Day event next Friday.  Check your local media outlets for details.  I'll be presenting a wreath on behalf of Central Cariboo Directors - CRD at the Williams Lake Remembrance Day event



  1. For the record according to the city's check register, here are the councillors costs (reported so far) for their annual boondoggle to the UBCM: Bonnell - $645; Cobb - $1045; CAO Macdonald - $1077; Smith - $1997; Walters - $1645. Obviously this isn't a reflection of the true cost of attending it because year after year, council approves a $35000 budget for all council members and the CAO to attend (the highest in the province per capita). Looks like someone has finally dethroned city council highroller of expenses Lori Walters as councillor Smith appears to have also found a fondness for the public trough, outspending one other councillor by three times. Given the extreme differences in their reported expenses, makes you wonder if they all attended the same UBCM convention! It's clear this is not a full and accurate accounting of the true costs of council to attend and only councillors out of pocket expenses are being reported clearly. What about the rest?

  2. Shocking waste of our taxes !

  3. Gee, who would have thought these councillors would take a liking to the trough?
    Aren't these the same people who unemployed 8 workers and stopped clearing the sidewalks? Government money for me, not for thee.
