Thursday, November 24, 2016

CRD Finance/Budget Committee Highlights - Nov 24th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner; Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, J. Massier, S. Forseth, B. Kemp, J. Sorley, A. Richmond, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, R. Sharpe, and M. Campsall

Meeting called to order at 12:30pm
Meeting Agenda adopted


1) Review of Revised Draft 2017 Business Plans

Discussion ensued thereon

Meeting recessed at 1:15pm
Meeting resumed at 2:10pm

Discussion resumed on the revised 2017 Business Plans

2) 2017-2021 Financial Plan Discussion/Review

The Committee had before it a report from the CAO
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the report of the CAO be received

3) 2017-2021 Five Year Financial Plan; Community Works Fund Allocations

The Committee had before it a report from the CFO
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the report of the CFO be received

4) 2017 – 2021 Five Year Financial Plan Summary Reports

The Committee had before it a report from the CFO
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the report of the CFO be received

5) 2017 – 2021 Five Year Financial Plan Detail Reports

The Committee had before it a report from the CFO
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the report of the CFO be received

6) CCCIPC – Request for Funding of Dedicated Invasive Plant Bins at Manned Rural Transfer Stations within the CRD

The Committee had before it a report of the Invasive Plant Coordinator
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the agenda item summary from Emily Sonntag, Invasive Plant Management Coordinator, dated November 16, 2016, be received. Further, that the Committee endorse the recommendation for the Invasive Plant Management Program to purchase and provide invasive plant material disposal bags to residents rather than fund separate invasive plant bins at manned rural transfer stations within the Cariboo Regional District.

Meeting adjourned at 3:24pm

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