Thursday, November 24, 2016

Infrastructure-Broadband-Cell Committee Highlights - Nov 24th mtg

Present: Chair B. Coakley; Directors S. Forseth and M. Wagner

Meeting called to order at 10:20am

Meeting Agenda/Mins of the Committee meeting held July 25th, 2016 both adopted


1) Falko Kadenbach, Vice-President of ABC Communications, appeared before the Committee to discuss how ABC Communications and the CRD can work together

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mr. Kadenbach for his time/information


1) East Kootenay RD - Regional Broadband Committee

Resolved - That the documentation from the Regional District of East Kootenay regarding the Regional Broadband Committee in the Columbia Basin-Boundary region, be received

Meeting adjourned at 11:25am

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