Thursday, November 24, 2016

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 22nd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Spectra Energy – Annual Update

Jay Morrison, Lead Government and Community Relations, representing Spectra Energy provided the following annual update regarding:

·         Commitment to Safety

·         Operations in British Columbia

·         Area Update

·         Expansion Projects

·         Enbridge and Spectra Energy Merger

For full details of this PowerPoint presentation, please visit the City’s website.

Accessible Downtown Washrooms & Community Space

Council approved a five year Lease to secure the space for the proposed new accessible downtown washrooms and community space project.  This lease will be effective April 1, 2017 and is for 3,063 square feet.  The key aspects of this project/lease are:

·         Fully accessible public washrooms in the downtown

·         Community space available for sublease

·         Potential Bylaw Enforcement and Policing presence in the downtown

·         Event promotion space which can be used by the City, other groups planning large community events and assist with tourism promotion

It is hoped that the accessible washrooms will be open in April 2017 during regular weekday business hours.  As well a plan is being developed to have these washrooms be available to the public on Saturday’s and during special community events held on Sunday’s.
Preliminary estimates by City Staff indicate a refurbishing budget of $255,000 for the leased area.  Up to $270,000 in capital funding for this project has been provided by:

$90,000        City Capital Contribution (Gas Tax Fund)

$60,000        Northern Development Initiative Fund

$120,000      BC Rural Dividend Fund (Up to 60% of the total)

Net operating costs are expected to be $53,500 annually. 
Next steps include finalizing the project’s layout and engaging with local contractors to complete the necessary work.

Development Variance Permit for Additional Sign

HUB International Brokers has received approval for an additional sign on the north side of the building located at 700-855 Rita Road.  This additional sign does not exceed the total permissible area of signage per business frontage.  This sign meets size requirements, but the variance is to change the number of signs allowed for this business frontage from two to three.

West Quesnel Land Stability Phase II Project - Update

Council heard that due to extreme weather conditions over the summer, and the expansion of the project’s scope, completion of the West Quesnel Land Stability Phase II project was not possible before the onset of winter.  However, the following work has been completed:

·         Three (3) Horizontal drains installed:  One (1) at Abbott Drive and Two (2) at Lewis Drive

·         Four (4) pumping wells complete and tied into the system

·         Two (2) pumping wells near completion on Lewis Drive

·         Outfall area off of Anderson Drive into Baker Creek is near completion

·         Storm drains, paving and sidewalk completed for:

o  Anderson Drive (Baker Creek Bridge to Wade Avenue)

o  Abbott Drive to Flamingo Street

o  Flamingo Street from Abbott Drive to Lark Avenue

·         Paving and Drainage complete on Broughton Avenue and Healy Street

Outstanding Work – Upper Abbott Drive:

·         crush gravel will be laid to cap the road in preparation for winter with the project to end on Friday, November 18, 2016

·         Paving, curb, gutter and sidewalk installation anticipated to occur in mid-2017 with landscaping to follow

·         A Resident Notice, advising of the project’s outstanding work and timetable, was distributed to residents in the area on November 15, 2016


Bylaw of the Month – Sidewalk Snow/Ice Removal

The City has been running its Bylaw of the Month program throughout 2016 to develop educational awareness of key components of various municipal bylaws.  The focus for December is the City’s Comprehensive Street, Traffic and Parking Bylaw 1773 and, in particular, the removal of snow and ice by property owners, or occupiers, from designated sidewalks located in the downtown core.  When snow and ice are present, Bylaw Enforcement Officers will monitor to ensure that snow and ice are removed from designated sidewalks before 10:00 a.m.  If a business is closed any day of the week, the business is still responsible to clear sidewalks of snow and ice before 10:00 a.m. and in failure to do so may result in a $100 fine/instance.     To view the affected designated sidewalk areas, as outlined on Schedule “A” of Bylaw 1773, please visit the City’s website, or contact the City’s Bylaw Enforcement department at 250-992-5743.

Next Meetings

·         December 6th at 7 pm - Regular Council

·         December 13th at 5:30 pm – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

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