Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Barlow Creek VFD To Host Firefighter Games

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

Today, the Cariboo Regional District’s (CRD) Barlow Creek Volunteer Fire Department (VFD) announced it will be hosting a 2018 British Columbia Firefighter Games event.  This annual event raises funds for Muscular Dystrophy Canada.
The Firefighter Games is a two-day competition where volunteer and career firefighters from B.C. will compete in a series of events to raise money for muscular dystrophy. These events focus on endurance, strength and teamwork. Teams earn points as they work through the challenges and the two highest scoring teams will compete in a final event to be crowned B.C. Firefighter Games Champions.
“The Barlow Creek VFD is very enthusiastic to have been chosen to host a 2018 Firefighter Games event. This event not only raises money for a great cause, but it builds teamwork within each fire department and encourages camaraderie between volunteer and career firefighters throughout B.C.,” states Fire Chief Cody Dillabough.
Electoral Area C Director John Massier comments, “Congratulations to Chief Dillabough and his fire department. This event will be a great way to raise funds and awareness for muscular dystrophy. I look forward to showing off our beautiful region to firefighters from all over B.C.”
The Barlow Creek VFD will hold the Firefighter Games in Quesnel on July 6-8, 2018. The Firefighter Games are hosted in partnership with International Firefighter Games, Inc. and all revenues generated at the event will be given to Muscular Dystrophy Canada.
Since its incorporation, more than 800 Fire Departments and Associations have supported Muscular Dystrophy Canada across Canada raising over $3 million annually. Firefighters are Muscular Dystrophy Canada’s largest network of supporters.
For more information about the CRD’s volunteer fire departments or information about joining these groups of dedicated volunteers, visit cariboord.ca.

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